
Monday, April 7, 2008

Bi-Coastal Diptych Show

At last, the long-awaited Diptych Project Shows opened Friday night, one here in Portland OR at Brian Marki Gallery and one in Portland ME at the Whitney Gallery. We diptych participants of International Encaustic Artists- Portland OR were thrilled to see how strong the show looks up at Marki Gallery. From the pictures of the Whitney opening the same is true there. Both shows were well attended and well received! Hooray!

I recommend the show highly, because it illuminates how many ways encaustic medium can be used and the amazing variety of visions the Diptych Project engendered.

Wax On!

Portland OR: Innana McGraw describes her process

Portland OR: Eager Viewers

Portland OR: Some of the artists in the IEA Group

Portland OR: Andrea Benson discusses the show
(To the right you can see the diptych by me and East Coast artist, Dawna Bemis)

Portland OR: Prime Organizer and Hero Natasia Chan takes a well-deserved break

Portland OR: More of the viewers

Portland ME: At the Whitney

Some of the Whitney artists from New England Wax
(My diptych partner, Dawna, is the tall redhead in the back row)

Portland ME: Whitney room with Dawna's and my diptych on the far right


Nancy Natale said...

Hi Serena,

Glad to see some pix from Brian Marki Gallery. They look great! One correction in Whitney photo - your partner Dawna is fourth from left - tall, glasses, reddish hair. Artist in front wearing coral is Sue Katz.

Serena Barton said...

Thanks, Nancy! First I thought Dawna was Kim Curry, then Sue. Now, I think I have located her thanks to you and a message from Dawna.

Now I know that Dawna and I are both redheads with glasses--she very tall, and I very short.

Hope I will meet you both in person one of these years!