I made the encaustic assemblages above and below in preparation
for the Encaustic Jam Session, held Saturday by the Portland International Encaustic Artists chapter (Titles to come to me later...)

old washers, transfers, repro of old French fashion paper,
vintage watch part, tissue, Frozen Charlotte doll, fabric embellishments
The Jam Session was so much fun! We all learned a lot from each others demos, comments, and work produced. We met at 9 AM (dawn to me) at Camas High School where Gina most generously let us use her art classroom for the day.

I always admire her color choices in her plein-air work.
Amy Stoner taught us about incising, drawing with carbon paper on the wax and using Ranger alcohol inkand Sennelier inks to color the incised lines. Amy's work is quirky and delightful.

I did the above piece after the first two demos, drawing the leaves with carbon paper. I loved using the alcohol inks along with the wonderful paint donated by Enkaustikos. The bottom of the piece is done by rubbing on a laser copy of text.

which include using printing ink, charcoal, and much more.
Natasia is one of the most innovative artists I know.
Melinda Fellini shared her process of creating her painterly encaustics, using layering and scraping along with careful color choices. Melinda is the master of patina. She inspired me to want to translate oil painting techniques and effects to encaustic and to learn from her methods and tools.

I started this piece during the demo and finished it later in the day. It has encaustic, rusted wire mesh, faux jewels, fabric trim, vintage thread, copper wire, a metal shower curtain ring, Italian potpourri and a repro. of one of my paintings.

Bridget Benton demonstrated using fabric in encaustic collages. She will try anything in her mixed media work, and it usually turns out great. I can't wait to do more of this fabric struff too! I am so thrilled to be part of this inspiring and talented group!!
drops of red wax under varying layers of clear encaustic.
My PSU class, Women, Creativity, and Healing ended last week. I will miss this bright and lively group. Below is a picture of their wonderful altered books grouped together. I feel so honored to view these creative and very personal works of art.

How fortunate I am to have so much art and so many artists in my life. I truly believe the words of the bumper sticker that says:
"Art Saves Lives"
1 comment:
As always, a treat to read your blog and in this case, get to see so many beautiful encaustic pieces -- yours and the work of others. I've had my morning inspiration fix and I can now begin my day (I already had my latte).
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