
Monday, March 29, 2010

Altered Books from Women, Creativity, and Healing

I brought the books home in a suitcase--
just like Christmas waiting to open them!

My Winter Term PSU class, Women, Creativity, and Healing, ended a couple of weeks ago. This class was held in Salem through the Extended Campus Program. Few of the students had heard of altered books and none of them had made one before. I think some thought I was kind of nuts at first. But everyone came through with creative books that covered the subjects we discussed in class. Congratulations to all!

This student's cover was made with wadded paper
dipped in coffee and embellished with coffee beans
and foil candy wrappers.--we were all in awe!

This lovely page was done in response to our viewing art
and reading prose done by women surviving breast cancer.

(Sorry about some of the pictures being blurry!)

The students created their own special super-hera
( new female form of hero) or goddess--here we
see one student with small kids as SuperMom

Students were free to add subjects or interpret subjects
in their own ways. I can relate very well to these pages!

This student left the title of the book she altered,
while embellishing it with lush colors and textures

Sometimes just a visual is enough to say a lot...

A spirited tribute to our foremothers
(My spell check doesn't think foremothers
is a word--what's up with that?)

A unique and delightful cover

Another personal and inspiring cover

Just enough of the original cover left to say it all

This cover took form from a great quilted
piece the student had kept around for years

This is a rich Dios de los Muertos page for
our section on grief and remembrance

In two days I begin this same Women's Studies class on the PCC Rock Creek Campus. I feel so privileged to teach this class for PSU and to get to go to different locations. Each class is different, but the students all extend themselves to do some personal as well as academic work and to bond with each other in support.

I'm going to put in a plug here for Dot Hearn's blog. She is having a giveaway of Bonnie Hearn Hill's new book. Bonnie and Dot aren't blood relations--Bonnie was married to Dot's uncle for many years--but they share a passion for writing and reading. Stop by and read Dot's interview with Bonnie and enter the contest! I often find wisdom on this blog that applies to visual as well as written art, and Bonnie's interview certainly made me think and inspired me.

I loved Bonnie's book, Aries Rising. It is a young adult novel, but I was glued to it despite my having passed that age many eons ago! I look forward to the next in the Star Crossed series. And the book doesn't have any vampires or zombies! What a relief...Just good, entertaining, and thoughtful writing.


Unknown said...

Thank you, Serena. Hugs. Bonnie

Dayna Collins said...

Awesome results by your students. Hey, next time you teach a class in Salem through PSU, would you let me know!??! Or Portland, for that matter - I'd make the drive up.