Journal Page 1
I haven't written anything here yet and maybe I won't. I used tissue paper, magazine pages, acrylic paint, and a tiny bit of faux gold leaf. I painted in the jar at the bottom right. Jars, cups, and other containers keep coming up for me right now.
I haven't written anything here yet and maybe I won't. I used tissue paper, magazine pages, acrylic paint, and a tiny bit of faux gold leaf. I painted in the jar at the bottom right. Jars, cups, and other containers keep coming up for me right now.

Journal Page 2
Acrylic paint, text from a French magazine, joss paper transfer, colored pencil
and ink.
I drew the cup of tea and left the page simple. I think the text, "Economy Measures," refers to sense of economy of design and a sense of peace, rather than to a sense
of lack.
Acrylic paint, text from a French magazine, joss paper transfer, colored pencil
and ink.
I drew the cup of tea and left the page simple. I think the text, "Economy Measures," refers to sense of economy of design and a sense of peace, rather than to a sense
of lack.

While I started my new journal, Emma and Cindy painted without plan and without fear. Here's what emerged:
Peppers by Emma
When I first saw this at the end of group I was surprised that it didn't look like anything else I have ever seen. I almost couldn't see it at first. The more I looked at it the more I liked it and the more it spoke to me. There's a lot of movement here and the painting makes me feel optimistic.
When I first saw this at the end of group I was surprised that it didn't look like anything else I have ever seen. I almost couldn't see it at first. The more I looked at it the more I liked it and the more it spoke to me. There's a lot of movement here and the painting makes me feel optimistic.

Portals by Cindy
I'm sure Cindy will make some alterations to this painting because that is how she works, but I'm amazed at how much she does at one sitting, and how magical her work is. Without planning it, she is creating a series of paintings of possibility.

Mirror by Emma
When I first noticed Emma starting this piece she was using cool blues. When I glanced over later, I saw she'd added an intense red. The piece seems to move
and breathe.

It is the bittersweet end of Summer Term at PSU. My students in "Women, Creativity, and Healing" have started their final presentations. Tomorrow is the last day of class and I will miss this group of students and the excitement of creativity that they share. We had four excellent presentations Tuesday:
Jenny told us about Elena Tonetti Vladmirova, a fascinating Russian-born woman who is doing ground-breaking work on facilitating healthy, non-traumatic births. Elena started out in theater, worked as a political activist, and then became fascinated with the need to improve birthing conditions in developed countries (yes, you read that right!) I hadn't heard of Elena before but I was delighted to know that the healthy birth movement I remember from the 70's is alive and well, even as hospital births have in general become more assembly line. Jenny created two wonderful pastel pieces representing her feelings about these magical births.

Mother and child just after a water birth
Cindy did an inspirational presentation on Frida Kahlo. She also did an amazing creative activity that she invented. She had two volunteers go out to the hall while she gave instructions to three more volunteers. The two who went out of the room came back in one at a time. Cindy had the student sit in a chair with eyes closed. She gave her a breathing and relaxation visualization and then the three other volunteers whispered to her in succession over and over. We in the "audience" couldn't always hear what they said, but the whispers sounded gentle and loving. The whisperers were giving messages such as, "You are courageous. You are a wonderful friend. I appreciate you." The women who received the messages said they felt great afterwards. We were all very moved by this. The three "whisperers" gently circling around the woman in the chair seemed like an ancient chorus from a womens' ritual.
Frida Kahlo, who overcame incredible injury and pain through her art.

Lisa gave an enthusiastic and fascinating portrayal of the life and work of costume and fashion designer Edith Head. I was aware that Edith had designed costumes for many Hollywood stars, but as Lisa showed pictures of Edith's "greatest hits" I felt like I was taking a happy and nostalgic journey through the crushes of my childhood: Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and a host of other women, and men, were made glamorous by Edith's clothes. I wasn't aware of the unhappy childhood Edith Head endured, nor of the courage and chutzpah it took her to move up to the head of costume design for major studios. We all delighted in this presentation and agreed that even Hollywood can provide feminist role models. And feminists can wear glamorous girly clothes, should they be so inclined!
Edith Head poses with many of her designs

Though it appears last here, Teressa's presentation was the first. She is fascinated by the life and work of writer Daphne du Maurier. Du Maurier is best known for Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel. Ever since Teressa mentioned she was going to do her project on Daphne, I've gotten re-fascinated with Daphne myself. I read one of her books that I hadn't read before and couldn't put it down. I also read a brand new novel based on Daphne and her obsession with Branwell Bronte, brother of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. I couldn't put down this novel either. Justine Picardie is a Daphne du Maurier expert and can create an atmosphere worthy of her subject.
Teressa told an intriguing story of Daphne's life and novels. For the creative part of her presentation she wrote her own story in the style of du Maurier. She did a great job of using description of place and emotion to create a moving story.
The Young Daphne du Maurier.

I learn so much from my students! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's presentations!
Serena, great journal pages and work you are doing with your students. Your artwork always inspires me--the colors, composition, and seemingly natural way you put paint or collage pieces on a page, resulting in pure loveliness. I want to be you when I grow up! How are ya holding down the office in my absence?
Thanks, Diane! I've been thinking about you--
The office is quiet--miss you!
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