The Onda show is down and I'm preparing for First Thursday at Poster Garden. I'll be showing encaustic work along with Linda Womack and Kimberly Kent. The three of us will also be demonstrating encaustic technique at the show. I've gotten permission from Poster Garden curator Julie Landau to use my new creme brulee torch for the demo, so I'm ready to wax!
The opening is September 4 from 6-9 PM. There will be other artists showing and live music.The address is 630 NW 14th Avenue Portland. This is a great chance to see five gallery artists and the many artists showing fine art and craft in the showroom. If you're out and about, please stop by and watch us wielding our irons and torches in this ancient, endlessly fascinating dance of wax and paint!
New Discovery!
I was at Collage on Alberta the other day and came across a product I'd never seen before. I'm not even sure how to describe it. For 1.25 I got a package of about ten thin panels--I mean really thin. They aren't wood and they aren't paper. Don't know what they are. These are made by the Lyra company from Germany and are made to be supports for encaustic work. I got several packages of 4 x 6" panels and started experimenting. What a great way to create inexpensive work, trading cards, or to experiment without regard to cost of materials! If I do some I really, really like, I'll mount them on a heavier panel.
These are some early experiments:
These are some early experiments:

Always in Motion

The gessoed panel used below started out as the base for a torn paper collage. I just wasn't in the mood for that, apparently, as I ended up removing the original work in progress. I glued printed newsprint down over the area, so the wax could adhere. I then used images of my photo and drawing printed out on tissue paper and sealed with tinted beeswax.
The Promise

Some more experiments--these are "refurbished" samples I made for an encaustic class I taught a few months ago. I mounted the flat pieces of clayboard on thicker supports. On some of the pieces I put text from a letter I found in a Chinese grammar book that my partner got at Powells for use in collage.
The letter is from a woman imploring a former friend to meet and talk with her and try to resolve their differences. The letter seemed too poignant to throw away and the name of the writer is unknown. I tore very small fragments from the letter to use in art. I wonder if the friends ever made up and how the letter got in the book--was it ever given to the intended recipient? Any way, the good thoughts have now become part of something new.

Strong Bond

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