This past weekend I participated in Portland Open Studios. My studio will be open this coming weekend as well. It's been so wonderful celebrating my beloved new studio with the many visitors who stop by!
I can't resist sharing some photos of the studio decked out for the event.
I took three classes and taught two at Art and Soul Portland which ended last Monday. Wow, what a great week! I taught "Tear it Up!" and "Wabi-Sabi Wonder." I took a book making class from Traci Bunkers, "Dolls for Big Girls" from Judy Wise, and "Vintage Metal Deck" from Leighanna Light. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun in these classes. The classes I taught were full of amazingly brave and talented women, and I'm excited to share their work with you!
Below are some dolls other students and I made in Judy's class. Go to her blog to see pictures of all of them--they're great.

I won't show you my book from the class yet, as I still have to do the stitching. I did finish my vintage metal deck in Leighanna's class. Here's a phone picture.

(If you are a mixed media artist and haven't discovered the above tool, I recommend you do so at once!)

After teaching on Saturday, I womanned my booth at Vendor Night, an annual shopping extravaganza at Art and Soul.
Here is work from "Tear It Up!" The students created torn paper flower collages. We had a somewhat challenging area for the class, being in the atrium of the Embassy Suites, with a waterfall loudly flowing behind it and a greenish light to work by. The students were troupers, and made lively and fascinating work. At the end of the class we went outside to photograph what they'd made.
Here is work from "Tear It Up!" The students created torn paper flower collages. We had a somewhat challenging area for the class, being in the atrium of the Embassy Suites, with a waterfall loudly flowing behind it and a greenish light to work by. The students were troupers, and made lively and fascinating work. At the end of the class we went outside to photograph what they'd made.

Thanks to all the Tear it Up students--you were a great bunch of artists to work with!
In writing this post I noticed that the flower collage class pieces had an overall mood of vibrant joy. I smiled all the while I was downloading the pictures and savoring each one. I've decided not to add captions to the Wabi-Sabi Wonder class pictures, in keeping with the indefinable essence of Wabi-Sabi. I'll let readers and viewers respond in your own ways to these pictures, which evoke complex emotions.
The Wabi-Sabi class was held the last day of the retreat and this group was ready to try anything. Thanks for your great energy and boldness!
In writing this post I noticed that the flower collage class pieces had an overall mood of vibrant joy. I smiled all the while I was downloading the pictures and savoring each one. I've decided not to add captions to the Wabi-Sabi Wonder class pictures, in keeping with the indefinable essence of Wabi-Sabi. I'll let readers and viewers respond in your own ways to these pictures, which evoke complex emotions.
The Wabi-Sabi class was held the last day of the retreat and this group was ready to try anything. Thanks for your great energy and boldness!

Thanks to Glenny, Vonnie, Maria, Jen, Richard, and everyone who helped make Art and Soul a wonderful experience. I learned so much from my teachers and from my students!
Love your blog, Serena. I was in your Dolls for Big Girls class. :)
Thanks, Patti! I got a toaster oven at Goodwill and made new legs for my doll. Can't wait to do more.
So many gorgeous photos that I'm dizzy! Thanks for sharing your studio and the art that was created in so many wonderful classes.
serena the studio looks great but the pictures from your classes were so inspired, so wonderful so full of color that i just could not look just once
How fabulous!!!
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